Friday, July 6, 2012

E Kaabo! - Welcome! - Bienvenidos!

I have created this portal for the IFA & Orisa community of believers and for the non believers but most equally important to share clarity and understanding to those whom have been misled.
I am here to move the ASE. The ASE that has been given to me by the creator Olodumare.I am here to share my knowledge and help anyone who needs clarity to reconnect within Inner-Spirit & Orisa to find within yourself peace and abundance creating (Iwa Pele) a good character and most important to be aligned with your destiny. IFA says in Eji Obge “our reference to an open road is the symbol to finding the concept of being aligned to our personal destiny”, IFA show us that living in alignment with our destiny creates a life full of blessings, IFA also says, “Teach others and you will understand the true concept of creation”. IFA goes further to state that those who usurp other people’s privileges or belongings shall regret. IFA says that Olodumare himself and IFA had placed a curse on individuals, groups and nations who forcefully take over other peoples things. IFA also says that weak nations shall become prosperous at the expense of strong nations. In the same vein, weak individuals shall become more successful than their hitherto strong counterpart.
I want to give special thanks and Acknowledgement to the ancestors for their guidance and blessings..
To my Mom and Dad for giving me the blessing to live..
To Araba Baba IFAtope all my admiration and deepest respects, To Awo Ope IFA whom honesty and support never left my side, To Baba Falokun the most humble, honest, knowledgeable Awo I have ever meet.
Special acknowledgements to all my Omo's never forget we are family.
I pray “Agbo Ato” May blessings of long life find you, health, prosperity and true abundance. ASE ASE ASE OOO!..


  1. I am Honor to say that Iya OyaWunmi, is both a sister and Iya to me and have had the grate opportunity to both work , participate and learn from her. Her knowledge in traditional Ifa is vast and easily understood. I look forward to continue to work with her and continue to learn from her.
    Ma rie laipe.
    Lee Pereira(Sangosanya)
